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Staff Attendance: Admin Guide


This documentation is intended for Campustom partners, aka Super Administrators, who need to manage staff attendance for their campuses and configure staff attendance settings and requirements.

To configure staff attendance behaviors and requirements,follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Campustom Partner Dashboard.
  2. Once logged in, you will be presented with a list of all your campuses.
  3. Select the campus for which you want to configure staff attendance settings.
  4. On the campus profile page, locate the tab bar at the top of the screen. then click the "Settings" tab to access the settings page specific to the selected campus.
  5. Click the Staff Attendance item in the list of settings. This action will trigger a form to manage staff attendance settings. In this form, the following sections will appear.

Time Range Behavior

The Time Range Behavior setting controls how staff members can mark check-in and check-out times.

  • Strict: Staff members must mark check-in and check-out times within the campus's opening and closing hours. If a staff member tries to mark a time outside of these hours, they will receive an error message.
  • Flexible: Staff members have a grace period of up to a specified number of minutes before and after the campus's opening and closing hours to mark check-in and check-out times.

Grace Period

If you select the Flexible time range behavior, you can specify a grace period in minutes before and after the campus's opening and closing hours. The grace period allows staff members to perform check-in/check-out operations within the specified minutes before the open time and after the close time.

Attendance Requirements

The Requirements section allows you to specify additional requirements that staff members must meet when marking check-in and check-out times.

  • Geolocation: If you enable the Geolocation requirement, staff members must mark their attendance within a specified radius of the campus's geolocation coordinates.
  • IP Restrictions: If you enable the IP Restrictions requirement, staff members must mark their attendance from a specified list of IP addresses.

Geolocation Radius

If you enable the Geolocation requirement, you can specify a radius in meters. This value represents the distance from the campus's geolocation coordinates that staff members must be within in order to mark their attendance.

IP Address List

If you enable the IP Restrictions requirement, you can enter a list of IP addresses, separated by commas. Staff members must mark their attendance from one of these IP addresses in order for their attendance to be recorded.

Important Notes

  • Only static IP addresses can be used in the IP Address List field. Dynamic IP addresses will not work.
  • If you enable the IP Restrictions requirement, be sure to communicate the list of approved IP addresses to your staff members.

Conclusion : This documentation has provided instructions on how to configure staff attendance settings and requirements for Campustom campus management software. By following these instructions, you can ensure that your staff members are marking their attendance accurately and consistently.