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Setup new campus

To create a new campus, click the New campus button in the navbar on the right side of the partner dashboard or go to We’ve broken down the process into three simple steps to get you started quickly and easily.

Enter Your Campus Details

The first step is entering your campus details such as name, email, phone number, about information and address. This step allows us to identify your school in our system so that we can provide you with tailored services specific to your needs.

New campus registration form

Select Subscription Plan & Customize Seats

The second step is selecting either a monthly or annual subscription plan based on how many active student seats and staff seats you require for use of our software program at any given time. Charges are taken per active seat in volume-based pricing for students while there are free active staff seats available up to 30 total seats included with each subscription plan purchased by the customer/campus administrator(s). To view pricing visit

New campus subscription plan select form

Review Subscription Summary & Make Payment

Free Trial

You can try out our platform for your first campus registration for 14 days without providing any payment method.

The third section will allow an opportunity review total payment amount along with their entire subscription summary before subscribing through clicking “Pay” button which will officially create their new campus account upon completion of payment processing from one of several accepted forms (e.g., debit card, credit card). Users may also navigate back through previous pages if they wish to make changes prior submitting final payments via Pay button option.

New campus subscription payment form

Visit Manage your campus subscription to learn more about managing your campus subscription.