Billing information
We prioritize your safety on payment related activities, and we have collaborated with international PCI DSS Level 1 payment partners to handle payments of your subscriptions.
To protect our customers from malicious activity and fraudulent purchases we use advanced security measures such as encryption technology and data protection protocols which are compliant with PCI DSS Level 1 standards for secure online transactions when making payments via credit card or other financial services providers. We also offer additional layers of authentication like two-factor authentication (2FA) for certain types of purchases which adds an extra layer security before completing any transaction using their personal information or account details . All these measures help ensure that our customers' information remains safe while they make their purchase securely without having worry about potential risks associated with online purchasing processes .
Furthermore, our customer service team is available via email support or you can drop your query at our Support page, so if ever there are issues regarding subscription renewal failure due to removed payment methods then one may contact us directly so that we can assist them in resolving this issue quickly . Our goal is always provide best user experience possible while ensuring maximum safety during every step process involved when making purchase through us - whether it's adding new card details updating existing ones deleting old ones etc..
Access your billing information
To access all your billing information, follow these steps:
- Login to your Campustom Partner dashboard.
- After logging in to your partner dashboard, Click the user profile icon located at the upper right side of the navbar. This action promotes the user profile menu.
- Click the Billing Profile option from the displayed user profile menu. to access your billing information.
Update billing profile
A Billing Profile is a profile of yours which is used in payments made by you and invoicing. As per the guidance of government of India, it is important to provide accurate information about yourself when making transactions in order to ensure successful transactions and prevent any potential frauds. This can be done by keeping your billing profile up-to-date with all the necessary details such as name, address, contact number etc., so that there are no discrepancies while processing payment or invoice related activities.
Add or remove payment methods
When you view the Payment Methods section, a list of debit/credit cards used in your transactions will be displayed. You can add new methods by clicking the “Add New Card” button, or remove any method by clicking delete icon placed on the list item. However it is important to note that after removing a payment method all recurring payments of subscriptions linked to this particular method will fail.
View your invoices
Invoices tab is a great way to keep track of all your payments. It displays the list of invoices according to their status, which includes paid, open and failed. This helps us understand our payment situation at any given time in an organized manner.
Paid means that the invoice has been successfully paid off while Open indicates that payment for this particular item is still pending and can be done by clicking on Pay Now button placed on its respective list item. Failed implies that there was some error during subscription or renewal process due to which it could not go through properly; however we can view or download the invoice by selecting its corresponding list item from Invoice tab itself.